Luis Pedro Coelho

Who am I?

I am the principal investigator (PI) of the Big Data Biology Lab at the Centre for Microbiome Research at the Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Australia) where we study the global microbiome.

Previously, my lab was hosted at Fudan University in Shanghai (2018–2023).

Before becoming a group leader, I worked at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Peer Bork's group. I have a PhD from Carnegie Mellon University (2011), where I worked on bioimage informatics for subcellular location analysis with Bob Murphy.

My Erdös-Bacon number is 7.

Publication list

Upcoming Travels & Talks



  • Nov 11-15 I will be co-teaching a 1 week course on state-of-the-art bioinformatic approaches to analyze metagenomic data. Click here to learn more and register.
  • Nov 3-6 I will be in Sydney. On the 4th, I will present at the Symposium on Bioinformatics Excellence and Innovation which is part of the ABACBS conference.
  • Oct 14-24 I will be in Shanghai

Email me if you want to set up meetings at any of these opportunities (or to invite me for other opportunities).

If you want to chat with me about science and such, you can use my link.

Research Interests

More technical version: I am interested in microbiomes. I wish to answer basic questions on what determines the structure of a microbial community in a given environment and what are the differences/similarities between different environments. Towards this, I pursue both method development (e.g. SemiBin or NGLess) and biologically-driven projects. Solving problems related to small proteins (those with fewer than 100 amino acids) is a particular interest of mine.

Not-so technical version: Microbes are all around us (including inside of us), what we call a microbiome. With modern technology, it is possible to sequence the DNA of all the microbes in a sample (be it from a soil sample or from a human gut sample). This allows us to answer questions such as: what are the microbes present in a given sample? How do they differ between samples? What are the functions of these microbes?

However, to achieve this, we need to develop computational methods to analyse these data. My work is focused on both developing these methods and applying them to answer biological questions.

Here is what chatGPT had to say about my research interests:

Luis Pedro Coelho is a computational biologist known for his work in developing bioinformatics tools and algorithms. As of my last update in September 2021, some specific contributions include his work on the development of machine learning algorithms for the analysis of large-scale molecular biology and metagenomics data. He is the author of several open-source software packages used in bioinformatics. One notable tool he developed is Jug, a task-based parallelization framework that allows users to easily write and run complex, multi-step computational pipelines. Coelho's research has spanned a range of topics in the field of bioinformatics and computational biology, such as image analysis, microbiome research, and genomics. His research often emphasizes methodological development, creating new tools and techniques that others in the field can use to more effectively analyze biological data.

Recent Publications

Recent(ish) publications (last 3 years; see full list):

22. Quest for Orthologs in the Era of Biodiversity Genomics by Felix Langschied, Nicola Bordin, Salvatore Cosentino, ..., Luis Pedro Coelho, ..., Paul D Thomas, Christophe Dessimoz, Ingo Ebersberger in Genome Biology and Evolution (2024).

21. argNorm: Normalization of antibiotic resistance gene annotations to the Antibiotic Resistance Ontology (ARO) by Svetlana Ugarcina Perovic, Vedanth Ramji, Hui Chong, Yiqian Duan, Luis Pedro Coelho in QUT eprints (PREPRINT) (2024).

20. A catalog of small proteins from the global microbiome by Yiqian Duan, Célio Dias Santos-Júnior, Thomas Sebastian Schmidt, ..., Xing-Ming Zhao, Peer Bork, Luis Pedro Coelho in Nature Communications (2024).

19. Discovery of antimicrobial peptides in the global microbiome with machine learning by Célio Dias Santos-Júnior, Marcelo D.T. Torres, Yiqian Duan, ..., Jaime Huerta-Cepas, Cesar de la Fuente-Nunez, Luis Pedro Coelho in Cell (2024).

18. For long-term sustainable software in bioinformatics by Luis Pedro Coelho in PLOS Computational Biology (2024).

17. Challenges in computational discovery of bioactive peptides in ’omics data by Luis Pedro Coelho, Célio Dias Santos‐Júnior, Cesar de la Fuente‐Nunez in PROTEOMICS (2024).

16. A global survey of prokaryotic genomes reveals the eco-evolutionary pressures driving horizontal gene transfer by Marija Dmitrijeva, Janko Tackmann, João Frederico Matias Rodrigues, Jaime Huerta-Cepas, Luis Pedro Coelho, Christian von Mering in Nature Ecology & Evolution (2024).

15. Ubiquity of inverted ’gelatinous’ ecosystem pyramids in the global ocean by Lombard Fabien, Guidi Lionel, Manoela C. Brandão, ..., Luis Pedro Coelho, ..., Karsenti Eric, Gorsky Gabriel, Tara Oceans Coordinators in biorXiv (PREPRINT) (2024).

14. Functional and evolutionary significance of unknown genes from uncultivated taxa by Álvaro Rodríguez del Río, Joaquín Giner-Lamia, Carlos P. Cantalapiedra, ..., Emilia López-Solanilla, Luis Pedro Coelho, Jaime Huerta-Cepas in Nature (2023).

13. SPIRE: a Searchable, Planetary-scale mIcrobiome REsource by Thomas S B Schmidt, Anthony Fullam, Pamela Ferretti, ..., Michael Kuhn, Luis Pedro Coelho, Peer Bork in Nucleic Acids Research (2023).

12. Towards Monitoring of Antimicrobial Resistance in the Environment: For what Reasons, How to Implement It, and What Are the Data Needs? by Johan Bengtsson-Palme, Anna Abramova, Thomas U. Berendonk, ..., Luis Pedro Coelho, ..., Yngvild Wasteson, Astrid Louise Wester, Rabaab Zahra in Environment International (2023).

11. ResFinderFG v2.0: a database of antibiotic resistance genes obtained by functional metagenomics by Rémi Gschwind, Svetlana Ugarcina Perovic, Maja Weiss, Marie Petitjean, Julie Lao, Luis Pedro Coelho, Etienne Ruppé in Nucleic Acids Research (2023).

10. SemiBin2: self-supervised contrastive learning leads to better MAGs for short- and long-read sequencing by Shaojun Pan, Xing-Ming Zhao, Luis Pedro Coelho in Bioinformatics (2023).

9. metaMIC: reference-free misassembly identification and correction of de novo metagenomic assemblies by Senying Lai, Shaojun Pan, Chuqing Sun, Luis Pedro Coelho, Wei-Hua Chen, Xing-Ming Zhao in Genome Biology (2022).

8. Evidence of a causal and modifiable relationship between kidney function and circulating trimethylamine N-oxide with implications for heart and kidney disorders by Petros Andrikopoulos, Judith Aron-Wisnewsky, Rima Chakaroun, ..., Luis Pedro Coelho, ..., Karine Clément, Marc-Emmanuel Dumas, MetaCardis Consortium in medRXiv (PREPRINT) (2022).

7. EXPERT: Transfer Learning-enabled context-aware microbial source tracking by Hui Chong, Yuguo Zha, Qingyang Yu, ..., Weihua Chen, Luis Pedro Coelho, Kang Ning in Briefings in Bioinformatics (2022).

6. Drivers and Determinants of Strain Dynamics Following Faecal Microbiota Transplantation by Thomas SB Schmidt, Simone S Li, Oleksandr M Maistrenko, ..., Luis Pedro Coelho, ..., Anna Glazek, Rajna Hercog, Hilde Herrema in Nature Medicine (2022).

5. A deep siamese neural network improves metagenome-assembled genomes in microbiome datasets across different environments by Shaojun Pan, Chengkai Zhu, Xing-Ming Zhao, Luis Pedro Coelho in Nature Communications (2022).

4. Landscape of mobile genetic elements and their antibiotic resistance cargo in prokaryotic genomes by Supriya Khedkar, Georgy Smyshlyaev, Ivica Letunic, ..., Luis Pedro Coelho, ..., Thomas S B Schmidt, Orsolya Barabas, Peer Bork in Nucleic Acids Research (2022).

3. Software testing in microbial bioinformatics: a call to action by Boas C.L. van der Putten, C. I. Mendes, Brooke M. Talbot, ..., Luis Pedro Coelho, ..., Christopher A. Gulvik, Lee S. Katz, The ASM NGS 2020 Hackathon participants in Microbial Genomics (2022).

2. Microbiome and metabolome features of the cardiometabolic disease spectrum by Sebastien Fromentin, Sofia K. Forslund, Kanta Chechi, ..., Luis Pedro Coelho, ..., Marc-Emmanuel Dumas, S. Dusko Ehrlich, Oluf Pedersen in Nature Medicine (2022).

1. Impairment of gut microbial biotin metabolism and host biotin status in severe obesity: effect of biotin and prebiotic supplementation on improved metabolism by Eugeni Belda, Lise Voland, Valentina Tremaroli, ..., Luis Pedro Coelho, ..., Jeroen Raes, Karine Clément, The MetaCardis Consortium in Gut (2022).

All publications... (Google Scholar profile)

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