
A dedicated page with documentation is available at https://jug.rftd.org. This page is just a summary.

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Jug: A Task-Based Parallelization Framework


If you use Jug to generate results for a scientific publication, please cite:

Coelho, L.P., (2017). Jug: Software for Parallel Reproducible Computation in Python. Journal of Open Research Software. 5(1), p.30.


What is it?

It is a light-weight, Python only, distributed computing framework.

Jug allows you to write code that is broken up into tasks and run different tasks on different processors. You can also think of it as a lightweight map-reduce type of system, although it's a bit more flexible (and less scalable).

It has two storage backends: One uses the filesystem to communicate between processes and works correctly over NFS, so you can coordinate processes on different machines. The other uses a redis database and all it needs is for different processes to be able to communicate with a common redis server.

Jug is a pure Python implementation and should work on any platform. Python 3 is supported (at least 3.3 and greater).

Jug Documentation and Tutorial

Short Example

Here is a one minute example. Save the following to a file called primes.py:

from jug import TaskGenerator
from time import sleep

def is_prime(n):
    for j in range(2,n-1):
        if (n % j) == 0:
            return False
    return True

primes100 = map(is_prime, list(range(2,101)))

Of course, this is only for didactical purposes, normally you would use a better method. Similarly, the sleep function is so that it does not run too fast.

Now type jug status primes.py to get:

Task name                    Waiting       Ready    Finished     Running
primes.is_prime                    0          99           0           0
Total:                             0          99           0           0

This tells you that you have 99 tasks called primes.is_prime ready to run. So run jug execute primes.py &. You can even run multiple instances in the background (if you have multiple cores, for example). After starting 4 instances and waiting a few seconds, you can check the status again (with jug status primes.py):

Task name                    Waiting       Ready    Finished     Running
primes.is_prime                    0          63          32           4
Total:                             0          63          32           4

Now you have 32 tasks finished, 4 running, and 63 still ready. Eventually, they will all finish and you can inspect the results with jug shell primes.py. This will give you an ipython shell. The [primes100]{.title-ref} variable is available, but it is an ugly list of [jug.Task]{.title-ref} objects. To get the actual value, you call the [value]{.title-ref} function:

In [1]: primes100 = value(primes100)

In [2]: primes100[:10]
Out[2]: [True, True, False, True, False, True, False, False, False, True]

More Information

Here are the full API docs, which include several worked out examples. There is also a video (vimeo or showmedo), and a presentation.

Mailing List: https://groups.google.com/group/jug-users

Where can I get this?

PyPI for stable releases, github for the cutting edge. The code is licensed MIT.

You should be able to use pip:

pip install jug


  • Persistent data across runs
  • Re-use partial results if you change the algorithms (for example, if you search over a few more parameters for the best, then it will reuse the pre-computed values). Normally, I have a main computation script and then write a second visualisation script to plot out the results or compute some summary statistics and it's good if the second script is easy to write, easy to change, and reuses all computational results seamlessly.
  • Supports concurrency with a very flexible system: CPUs can join the computation at any time. This allows it to be used in batch processing systems.
  • You can check up on the status of the computation at any time ([jug status]{.title-ref})
  • Two backends: file-based if all the processors share a filesystem (works over NFS too) or redis based if they can all connect to the same redis server.

Copyright (c) 2009-2023. Luis Pedro Coelho. All rights reserved.

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